An innovation in end of life care education.
This exciting education initiative has caught the imagination of so many and is potentially so easy to deliver. The joy of the QELCA© programme is its flexibility.
We are accredited with St Christopher’s Hospice to provide this training locally to support practitioners to provide Quality End of Life Care.
The QELCA programme aims to increase knowledge of the principles and practice of palliative/end of life care for registered nurses caring for residents, patients and families at end of life in the care home and hospital settings.
QELCA involves a 5 day course attended at Strathcarron hospice. Training is delivered to small groups of up to 6 at the most. Each participant will then be expected to attend 6 monthly action learning sets thereafter to facilitate the process of embedding learning into practice.
The week course of the QELCA© programme will involve a facilitator working with the small group of nurses on the Monday, Wednesday and Friday and to spend Tuesday and Thursday in the hospice in a supernumerary capacity alongside hospice staff for a working shift.
In 2016, we will be running QELCA on the following dates:
22nd – 26th February
4th – 8th April
16th– 20th May
Places are limited, and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. There is no charge for the course as funding has been provided by the Burdett Trust.
Below are a few quotes from nurses who have attended our first two courses to show how inspiring and thought provoking the Qelca course is!
‘My knowledge and confidence has grown – it will allow me to support my own staff more’
‘I now realise that hospice does not mean death’
‘Humour and honesty with patients’
‘The team work within the hospice is great – help each other out, nothing is a problem’
‘I came here thinking about clinical issues but I now see it more than that – its holistic care’
‘We shouldn’t shy away from death’
‘The benefit of planning ahead for patients’
For further information please do not hesitate to contact Jackie Higgins, Practice Educator or Dr Sally Boa, Head of Education, Research and Practice Development